Thursday, August 27, 2009

Memory of JENESYS 2008

It was like dreaming for the whole weeks. Got so long day off and amazing experience in such a beautiful country i've never seen before. Met a lot of brilliant people with diversity which seems allow us to enrich each other in our own culture and speciality. I loved the togertherness. The way we share thoughts, opinnions, stories, laughters, jokes, songs, and everything which made us closer. Not in a long period of time, it created a strong relation between people - youths - from several parts of the world. It was like seeing something you've never thought about before and experiencing something you've never expected before. O God, what a moment to remember!
Studying while learning and absolutely enjoying your holiday. When everybody seemed haven't got their time to relax, then you got your special time filled with wonderful time with fascinating peoplr. I hadn't felt how it was to get on the flight for almost 8 hours in such an expensive airways with your own friends and for free! Gosh, was i dreaming? And when you got to the destination-a country which people talk a lot-which looked closer to paradise than earth. Yeah i got there, i got to Japan. A famous country in East Asia which i'd admired before. I read a lot about this country and i couldnt believe that finally i was there, in that very beautiful country.
Day by day passed slowly as i realized that my time was almost up. I hate to leave. I loved to be here, in Japan, with my friends from many countries. I loved to stay in Ueda's house. I loved my on-the-top-of-the-snowed-hill school, Kanazawa Tatsumigaoka. I loved to learn many new things here. I loved to be a part of bus J. I loved to stay in good hotels (again for free). Yea i should admit that i loved this exchange program very much. It is almost a year since my visit. But still, the memory stays on my mind clearly. I still remember what i've done day by day there and with whom. What an unforgettable moment i had there :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

inspiring sayings

There is nothing impossible to him who will try. Alexander the Great

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Mother Teresa

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama

Many women have more power than they recognize, and they're very hesitant to use it, for they fear they won't be loved. Patricia Schroeder

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition. Martha Washington

Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Eleanor Roosevelt

I don't care how smart a kid you are. The only way you learn what's not right is from experience. Cameron Diaz

My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything - even if you have no clue what you're doing. Jessica Alba

Writing is learning to say nothing, more cleverly each day. William Allingham

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. Stephen Covey

The Best Day - Taylor Swift

i'm five years old it's getting cold i've got my big coat on
i hear your laugh and look up smiling at you i run and run
past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides look now the sky is gold
i hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
i don't know why all the trees change in the fall
i know you're not scared of anything at all
don't know if snow white's house is near or far away
but i know i had the best day with you today

i'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
i come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keysand we drive and drive until we found a town far enough awayand we talk and window shop till i forgot all their names
i don't know who i'm gonna talk to now at school
but i know i'm laughing on the car ride home with you
don't know how long it's gonna take to feel ok
but i know i had the best day with you today

i have an excellent fatherh
is strength is making me strongergod smiles on my little brother
inside and out he's better than i am
i grew up in a pretty house and i had space to run
and i had the best days with you
there is a video i found from back when i was threeyou set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to meit's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

now i know why all the trees change in the fall
i know you were on my side even when i was wrong
and i love you for giving me your eyesstaying back and watching me shine
and i didn't know if you knew
so i'm taking this chance to say that i had the best day with you today

weekend yang menyenangkan :)

Bersekolah di SMA Santa Ursula menuntut kami para siswinya untuk sibuk dengan berbagai tugas, PR, dan ulangan. Ya itulah yang saya rasakan selama kurang lebih 2 tahun mengenyam pendidikan disini. Liburan atau day-off adalah kala yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu oleh masing-masing individu, termasuk SAYA. :D
Dan ternyata liburan yang hanya 1 hari itu pun tiba. Setelah selama seminggu dihujani dengan berbagai tugas dan ulangan, pada hari Sabtu tanggal 22 Agustus 2009 yang lalu kami mendapatkan libur! Waw suatu kesenangan tersendiri bagi saya dan beberapa teman saya. Libur ini dalam rangka awal bulan puasa. Tanpa pikir panjang kami langsung menyusun jadwal untuk menikmati weekend yang lebih panjang dari biasanya.
Yeay! Setelah sekian lama tidak nonton di bioskop dan berhubung sedang ada film baru di Djakter yaitu The Proposal, langsung kami memutuskan untuk nonton hari Sabtu itu. Show kedua pukul 15:10 di studio 2. Woohoo akhirnya setelah sekian lama saya tidak nonton di bioskop, kesampaian juga hari ini (lebay mode on). Film ini bergenre drama comedy. Film yang ringan dengan alur cerita yang menghibur.
Pertunjukan selesai, saya bersama Riesha, Imce, dan Arief menuju ke gedung seberang. Membeli beberapa keperluan, lalu karena tidak tahu lagi mau kemana kami memutuskan untuk ke McD. Duduk-duduk sambil berbincang-bincang dan menyantap segelas McFlurry. Yummy and cold! Tidak terasa waktu semakin malam.
Kira-kira pukul 19:00 kami pun keluar dari gedung Sarinah. Tujuan berikutnya: farewell party Rut dan Dea Jessica di rooftop Hotel Cemara. Nice, tidak sampai lima menit kami sudah sampai di hotel tersebut. Dekat sekali ternyata dengan Sarinah. Tidak salah kami memilih untuk nonton disitu. Well sebenarnya rencana awal kami adalah pergi ramai-ramai bersama teman-teman kami yang lain. Namun ternyata beberapa dari mereka berhalangan, alhasil kami bertiga dari Sanur yang senasib sepenanggungan hari itu.
Pestanya seruuu! Ada adegan basah-basahan pula. Imce jadi korban kejahilan yang lain. Pulang dengan keadaan basah kuyup akibat didorong masuk ke kolam renang. Hari itu indah, berkumpul terakhir bersama teman-teman tersayang yang akan segera meninggalkan Indonesia. Namun juga menyedihkan karena mereka akan segera pergi. Huhu. Pesta selesai. kami pun pulang. Masih ada besok untuk menyiapkan diri mrnghadapi ulangan Ekonomi di hari Senin tanggal 24 Agustus 2009. At least, my Saturday is trully fun. I love weekend fully.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Kid on the Blog

Setelah beberapa tahun melihat serunya para bloggers menikmati dunia mereka, terbentuklah blog ini. Well pada dasarnya blog ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas TIK kelas XII SMA Santa Ursula. Not bad, though. Haha. Sambil menyelam minum air.
Not much to say. Simple life is what I aim. Hopefully this blog could help me in sharing my thoughts and what I have on my mind. Because sharing thoughts through writing is a better way than keep it for yourself or uttering to people who might not seem to understand what you're saying.
Tapi ternyata menulis gak semudah itu juga sih. Nulis posting pertama ini aja susah banget deh kayaknya. Maklum, never tried kinda this thing before. Haha. At last, I will try to enjoy writting and blogging, indeed! :)
Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.